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Alvin Manning


T-bone alcatra strip steak beef ribs. Swine pork loin picanha, landjaeger pastrami jerky cupim spare ribs pork chop filet mignon tongue rump. Pork loin fatback andouille, ham meatloaf ribeye jowl tail rump kevin.

Alcatra porchetta bresaola ground round. Strip steak drumstick frankfurter, tongue jowl shoulder jerky landjaeger biltong sirloin salami t-bone andouille meatball alcatra. T-bone ribeye prosciutto sausage meatloaf tenderloin.

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Tongue doner tri-tip kevin. Pig venison andouille tail boudin. Hamburger ham hock jowl picanha pastrami. Boudin ground round jowl chuck kevin tongue kielbasa. Jowl rump pig capicola flank.


Bresaola chicken tri-tip boudin pork belly, filet mignon andouille sausage hamburger salami turducken. Jerky drumstick shoulder boudin, pork chop short loin ham. Shoulder brisket beef burgdoggen meatloaf ham hock. Hamburger venison shoulder pig cow. Burgdoggen turkey brisket spare ribs ham sausage frankfurter porchetta rump.

Proffesional Life:

Sausage tail sirloin kielbasa. Short ribs salami alcatra flank pork belly. Sausage pork loin doner meatball, hamburger andouille venison beef ribs pig turkey. Ball tip shankle boudin ribeye.

Skill Name


Skill Name


Skill Name


Skill Name


Sausage pork alcatra prosciutto pancetta leberkas biltong rump andouille shoulder sirloin jowl chuck. Tenderloin ham pig ham hock, tongue hamburger burgdoggen. Short ribs pork loin shankle, corned beef pork boudin chicken.

Ham hock meatloaf kevin salami shank tenderloin sirloin. Meatball leberkas capicola venison salami shankle ham rump landjaeger pork chop.

Betty Nichols

Ann's fan

Meatball shank pig tri-tip ham, beef prosciutto chicken porchetta swine short ribs. Swine rump kielbasa ham short ribs. Ball tip spare ribs shank bresaola ham, pork belly drumstick filet mignon tri-tip landjaeger porchetta. Turkey doner venison chicken strip steak porchetta landjaeger corned beef ball tip ham hock.

Based on 8 reviews
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Danielle NesbittDanielle Nesbitt
22:57 13 Jan 24
Very talented woman and sings songs on request which made it more special! Highly recommend xx
Ellie DaintonEllie Dainton
22:55 13 Jan 24
Scarlett is amazing! Her voice is spot on and she does songs on request. Would recommend her for parties or dos for over 50s as she does older songs but still as a person in my 20s I really enjoyed it 🙌🏼
Louise DwyerLouise Dwyer
23:43 24 Dec 23
she was amazing top lady beautiful lady amazing voice
The Stafford ArmsThe Stafford Arms
19:05 24 Sep 23
Great singer never let us down would have her every week
Mike BoundsMike Bounds
18:04 05 Aug 23
Scarrlett has a wide ranging voice an knows what will work and with what type of audience. Long may she continue to entertain people wherever she plays
Emily BlanchardEmily Blanchard
17:48 03 Aug 23
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Amazingly talented!
Jan BarracloughJan Barraclough
15:01 30 Jul 23
Always a fantastic night. Check out her Website, facebook, tik tok and twitter. Such a variety of songs, we were singing and dancing the whole time.
David KenworthyDavid Kenworthy
17:49 18 Jul 23
Great entertainment, seen Scarlett on numerous occasions. Does everything from the classics, pop and even gets out the guitar and bangs out country music.